Sunday, January 27, 2013

What is Klaine?

KLAİNE is Kurt and Blaine...They are fictional characters of the sensational TV show:GLEE. Klaine is the name of their relationship.(see there is this thing: On the show when two people are together they get a in Finn+Rachel=Finchel or Tina+Mike=Tike or Brittany+Santana=Brittana, Will+Emma=Wemma and the list goes on and on...) so when Kurt Hummel met Blaine Anderson a new nickname was born..Klaine!!!
As you can see in the picture they are adorable.From the moment they met we knew there would be something miraculous and magical between them. Although they didn't become lovers for 10 very long episodes our hearts were with them the whole time. They became boyfriends in the episode"Original Song" with the most amazing kiss that aired on TV. And the rest was history:P They are portrayed by actors Chris Colfer who plays Kurt(on the right) and Darren Criss who plays Blaine(on the left). They are GLEE's most valued couple among the fans. Us fans,the Klainers as we call ourselves, have raised thousands of dollars for charity in exchange of a deleted Klaine scene ("the box project" and the scene was "the box scene" and done many projects in various topics such as teen-suicide(mostly in lgbt community, it is a gay couple afterall:)), bullying and many other things.
 I can talk about it for as long as I like but I think Klaine is sth. that you have to experience yourself. Because I can write for hours and hours and still it wouldn't be enough to describe them or what they mean to me. So you gotta hold on and see for yourself as I post;)
(for beginners):: To sum up, they are a couple and I ship them and their fandom is very powerful and crowded, they are hot,epic,awesome,adorable,cute,magical,aaand if i dont stop this post it's gonna last forever...yeah...they are just two boys:)
to ship:(v) to love smb. or as commonly used: a couple very much and actively follow them

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