Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sissi's Dictionary

I figured that maybe some of my future readers (cause I don't have any right now:)) might not be familiar with the terms that I use..So I'm gonna try to explain some of them...

Klaine: Kurt and Blaine
CrissColfer: the assumed relationship between Darren Criss and Chris Colfer
Kliss: Klaine kiss
Kluddle: Klaine cuddle.( cuddle means to hug the way lovers do... usualy done when sitting or  lying down)
RIB: Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan and Brad Falchuck. They are the creators and the writers of GLEE.
SuperMegaFoxyAwesomeHot: the brilliant phrase tdarren criss wrote and used in the script of AVPM.It means: hot or soooooo good...
Starkid:a group of people who stages funny musicals. Darren is one of the formers of it. All of them are Darren's friends.
AVPM: A Very Potter Musical. It's a Harry Potter paradoy in the form of a musical.(performed by The Starkids.) Darren Criss is the lead(he plays harry:)) and also all the songs are composed and written by Darren Criss.
AVPS: A Very Potter Sequel. It's the sequel for AVPM.

I can't think of any others..NOT because there aren't...I just couldn't put my mind to it...well then...We shall conquer them as they come!!

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