Sunday, March 3, 2013

I Need Air!!

hey guys:) I know it's been a while...Life and med school gets in the way:( Anyways...I am writing to let you know that IMOGENE (girl most likely) trailer has been released!!! If you don't know what it is..It's Darren's first movie debut!! His co-star is the amazing Kristen Wiig:) and prepare yourselves for the trailer because there will be Eyeliner!Darren...Shirtless!Darren...Kissing!Darren...Dancing!Darren...even the trailer is just too good to be true...GOD!! I can't wait for the movie...
Darren Rant:: You asshole...why do you do this? You are ruining all the men out there for are too sexy/hot/beautiful to be true... the fandom is in pain...the sex-riot you caused on tumblr was outrageous...but don't worry:) We'll still love you with all our hearts (and maybe with some other organs too:P)

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